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Última modificación 2022-11-15T10:23:46-05:00

Benefits Of Urban Trees

Benefits Of Urban Trees

What characterizes a rural área from an urban one is the number of trees it has, because when we are in áreas with great tree variety, the smell, air and even our lungs are different, making us feel much better in this places.


This is why taking about the difference between a city and a wooded area will help us understand its benefits. Ideally, both rural and urban spaces become more homogeneous, since it is no secret that overpopulation is evident day by day, therefore, to maintain a balance between nature and man, it is necessary to plant more trees, preserve and take care of them, in addittion to the different care that must be taken throughout our lives so as not to affect future generations, which is almost impossible.


Due to the urban revolution of the 18th century, new individual spaces were generated, leaving rural areas sectored from urban ones, transforming them into large cities with a few amount of trees, however, there are city areas that still retain their trees, allowing the absorption of polluting car gases, although, it is necessary to understand that we must plant a big number of trees due to a larger population growth.


According to Chile’s Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, we can find multiple benefits of urban trees such as :


  • Help reduce the heat island effect


  • Contribute to CO2 absorption and O2 generation


  • Improve runoff control by absorbing and retaining rainwater.


  • Contribute to atmospheric pollution reduction by capturing particulate matter


  • Favor habitat restoration and local biodiversity


  • Contribute to social integration and well-being, since bringing nature closer to people allows reducing stress, anxiety and psychological and psychiatric pathologies effects




More Benefits :


  • Provide Shade


  • Provide habitat for birds


  • Mitigate heavy rain


  • Air activity stimulation


  • Social cohesion


  • Incrementation


  • Reduce noise pollution



¡Plant a tree, do maintenance and you will see the benefits they bring to the city !


Find in Network of Trees

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